Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pregnant Mummy Photo Shoot – Series IX

I received a sms last weekend from a mummy, asking me why her pregnant photo was not posted on this blog despite my earlier promises. Only then I realised I have completely overlooked the last batch of photos supposedly to be posted, which I thought was posted earlier. Alas, my careless mistake.

The photos have now been posted with my sincere apologies to the mummy as this was entirely my fault. Honestly, I have no qualms with the mummy writing and asking me about their photos. In fact, I should feel proud as she is actually anticipating for the photos and unfortunately I have failed her.

This is truly an experience that I can relate to my earlier story posted in Series VIII.

To the mummy who called, again, thank you sincerely for reminding me to finish my work. As you can see, it is not only you that I owe such duty, there are others too.....


我现把这些“失落”的照片放上网,还要对这几位妈咪致万份的歉意。说真的,我要感谢那位妈咪的来言, 使我明白和体会到她对这些照片的重视,还有更深一层的明暸到我上一篇的,即第八系列的留言。
