Read a newspaper article when I got back from outstation recently and realised it was regarding a mummy that I shot earlier and was flabbergasted with her story. Apparently, this mummy had underwent three major surgeries – lump removal from her breast, varginal hygroma and cardiac valve recovery. Despite the obstacles, the optimistic mother has managed to overcome all and now even delieverd a healthy triplets to the family. During the earlier shooting, I have actually noticed the scars on her body and we have talked about it. However, she just mentioned her experience lightly and did not seem to be too overly bother with it, something that I now admired even more. There was another thing that caught my attention – when I asked whether she is bothered by the scars and would like those to be removed via post editing. Without hesitation, she rejected and emphasised that those scars would stay with her. Compared to some of the clients that I encountered previously, she was indeed a lot more rational and sensible. I have now created an album dedicated to her and share with all, as a show of respect for her courage. Equally, I am honoured to be involved in undertaking such a photo shoot assignment with her family.
匍从外埠摄影回家,在报章上看到一张很熟悉的面孔,惊觉到是不久前给她拍摄过的怀孕妈咪。细读了报导后,更惊叹她整个怀孕过程的高风险度。据述,这妈咪在怀孕时曾动过三次大手术 - 乳房肿瘤手术,子宫水瘤手术和修复心瓣膜手术。可是乐观的她勇敢的面对了这些危机,现在还为家人生了三胞胎!
还有一件事使我印象深刻; 当我问她对那几个刀疤是否介怀,需在那些照片作后期处理,把它消除时,她很快的拒绝了,并强调我要把它保留。比起我之前我遇到的一些客户,她理性的多。